Tuesday, February 23, 2010

getting wireshark up on osx

I downloaded wireshark, which is a very nice looking packet sniffer, in order to try to see if the communication between CAS (3.3.5) and the ldap server is indeed utf8. (for some reason, every time I try to use a utf8 password, CAS won't recognize it as valid, even if it is). We didn't have this problem with CAS 3.3.

Anyhow, I have wireshark and it looks great! However it didn't see any interfaces to monitor. After a quick google, i need to give my user permission to the bpf interface device. Here's the magic:

sudo chown {your account name} /dev/bpf*

I'm not going to run wireshark that often, I expect, so I'll modify the permissions for this session, but check out http://www.wireshark.org/lists/wireshark-users/200608/msg00014.html if you want the new permission to persist between reboots.

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