Sunday, September 26, 2010

Our mad teen Sunday school class

Ken Burcham
Ken Burcham Consulting

(Sent from my iPhone)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

My retaining wall for my retaining wall

So I hope u can't tell I don't have any idea what I'm doing. Looks good to me tho.

Ken Burcham
Ken Burcham Consulting

(Sent from my iPhone)

Friday, September 24, 2010

"ozzie" reads my mail

Today's Oswald Chambers hits the mark for me:

The "Go" of Preparation...

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I've already torn down and replaced the old retaining wall and leveled out the ground. Now I'm adding the concrete underlayment. Soon a concrete pa and then a shop!

Ken Burcham
Ken Burcham Consulting

(Sent from my iPhone)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

this posterious update came straight from the ol' txt msg on the iphone... Cool! I can blogtxt.

Getting started with Posterous

Today I started with Posterous. If you google my history, you can see that I rarely update just about any of the many blogs I've started, facebook account, linkedin, you name it. They all get equally ignored.

I have some small hope that with Posterous things could be different.

First, it works by sending an email to "" to make your blog posts. What could be easier?! Second, you can tie in facebook, linkedin, google blog, etc. so that they all get updated with a new post when you send the email. Nice! Third, you can attach pictures, video and all sorts of things.

Seems easy and fun and more importantly: I might actually use it. You'll know I didn't if this is the last post for like 3 years.