Operating System for “Institutional Church” 1.0
Jesus Follower Church-goer (consistent, involved, supportive). It is considered pretty much impossible to follow Jesus without going to church.
Evangelism Inviting people to church building for programs, events or services.
Service (n) A sacramental meeting at the church building.
Service (v) Volunteering to participate in or lead a program or event (VBS, Sunday School, etc.), usually at the church building.
Discipleship Christ-likeness accomplished by attending church activities especially Sunday morning service and Sunday School, careful listening and application of sermon teaching. Particularly eager disciples might attend home bible studies or read devotional books. Volunteering for programs.
Worship Sacramental songs sung on Sunday morning.
Success A full church! People coming to church, giving generously, obvious spiritual growth (as evidenced by abstinence of flagrant sins, positive support, commitment and general congeniality). People inviting friends who start coming to church and also become members.
Faithful disciple Regular attender. (also regular tither! Wink wink)
Evangelist Someone who invites people to church who then also become members.
Measures Church attendance. Adherance to moral code.
Moral code You are more spiritual if you follow these. 10 Commandments. No cussing. Be supportive and non-divisive. Be nice. No gambling, smoking, drinking. Practice meekness and mildness. Involvement in church activities. (yes, this is usually a moral issue)
Church A building where people come to be in the presence of God, worship (sing) together, fellowship (eat, talk) together and serve God (execute programs).
Sin Disobeying God’s commands in the Bible.
Transformation Occurs when we stop sinning and start obeying God.
Battle cry "Get with the program!"
We hold these truths to be self-evident:
1) If the pastor preaches the Word effectively and the congregation responds appropriately, the church will grow.
2) Church growth happens when people come to church building (usually invited by a friend) and attend a service/program/event and after awhile decide to become members.
3) Leadership is typically positional, “pastor”, “church council”, “deacons”, program/event organizers, etc.
4) Authority resides first in scripture, then in the pastor and other positional leaders. The church constitution and bylaws direct the organization, as well.
5) If people would just come to church and be committed, their life-problems would be addressed and eventually solved.
6) Non-christians need Jesus and thus need to be invited to church.
7) If Non-christians come to church and hear "the Word" preached and are given an appropriate invitation to receive Christ, they will (hopefully) repent and ask Christ into their lives and become Christians, be baptized, welcomed into membership and begin their spiritual growth.
8) A full time pastor (professional clergy) is much preferred over a bi-vocational pastor because then he can devote his full time to the care and shepherding of the flock.